Halo Mitra Lion Parcel!

Selamat datang di Lioedu, media belajar untuk semua Mitra Lion Parcel!
Apa sih Lioedu itu?
Lioedu adalah media belajar untuk mengakses informasi, materi dan soal latihan kapanpun dan dimanapun.
Apa saja yang harus Mitra akses dan kerjakan di Lioedu?
- Materi Basic Onboarding Training untuk Mitra Baru
- Materi terkait program berlangsung (Klik Channel/Learning Category)
- Video Tutorial Membooking Paket, Membuat Manifest, dan lain sebagainya (Klik Channel/Learning Category)

Everything you need all in one place.

Interactive courses in minutes

Online Learning

Creative and interesting digital learning process via Zoom

Interactive Classroom

By dividing Classroom so that the learning process is more effective

Statistic Course Rate

Monitor your learning activities on the Statistics feature which is presented informatively

Ranking List

Reach the top of the Leaderboard by completing a series of exams and quizzes

Choose your interest

We provide a variety of interesting materials for you to choose according to your interests.

Change point

Exchange the points you earn for unique and interesting souvenirs from us